The Purity PV Vertical Multistage Jockey Pumpke sesupo sa boenjiniere bo tsoetseng pele le boqapi lefapheng la litsamaiso tsa ho sebetsana le mokelikeli. Pompo ena e entsoe ka makhethe le ho ntlafatsoa ho fana ka matla a ke keng a lekanngoa, ts'ebetso le botsitso. Likarolo tsa eona tse khahlehang li etsa hore e be khetho e ratoang bakeng sa ho boloka khatello e tsitsitseng ea metsi lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng. Sehloohong sena, re tla hlahloba lintlha tse tharo tsa bohlokoa tse khethollang Purity PV Vertical Multistage Jockey Pump: moralo oa eona o ntlafalitsoeng oa hydraulic, litiiso tse tsoetseng pele tsa mochini, le theknoloji ea welding ea laser e nepahetseng.
Setšoantšo |Bohloeki PV Vertical Multistage Jockey Pump
Moralo o ntlafalitsoeng oa Hydraulic bakeng sa Sebetsa se Ntlafetseng
The Purity PV Vertical Multistage Jockey Pumpe bile le ntlafatso e felletseng moralong oa eona oa haeteroliki, ho netefatsa hore e sebetsa ka bokhabane le ts'ebetso e ikhethang. Mokhoa ona oa ho ntlafatsa o kenyelletsa ho lokisa likarolo tse ka hare tsa pompo ho fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ka kakaretso. Sephetho ke pompo e sa kopaneng feela empa e feta litekanyetso tsa indasteri bakeng sa ho sebetsa hantle ha matla.
O mong oa melemo ea mantlha ea moralo ona o ntlafalitsoeng oa hydraulic ke phokotso e kholo ea tšebeliso ea matla. Pompo ea Purity PV e khona ho boloka khatello ea metsi e tsitsitseng ka matla a fokolang, ho fetolela ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa ts'ebetso le sebaka se fokolang sa tikoloho. Bokhoni bona ba ho boloka matla bo tiisitsoe machabeng, bo fa basebelisi kholiseho mosebetsing oa pompo le ho tšoarella.
Ho feta moo, ts'ebetso e ntlafetseng ea pompo ea Purity PV e tlatsetsa botsitsong ba eona bo tsotehang. Pompo e khona ho sebetsana le litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa khatello habonolo, ho netefatsa phepelo e tsitsitseng le e tšepahalang ea metsi. Botsitso bona bo bohlokoa lits'ebetsong tseo ho tsona khatello ea metsi e tsitsitseng e leng ea bohlokoa, joalo ka lits'ebetsong tsa ho tima mollo, ho nosetsa le lits'ebetsong tsa indasteri.
Litiiso tse tsoetseng pele tsa Mechanical bakeng sa ho tšoarella le ho ts'epahala
Tšobotsi e 'ngoe e ikhethang ea BohloekiPV Vertical Multistage Jockey Pumpke tšebeliso ea eona ea litiiso tse tsoetseng pele tsa mochini. Litiiso tsena li entsoe ka lisebelisoa tse thata tsa alloy le fluororubber, tse fanang ka pompo matla a ho hanyetsa ho bola, mafome le ho apara. Khetho ea thepa e bohlokoa ho lelefatsa bophelo ba pompo le ho netefatsa ts'ebetso ea eona e tšepahalang libakeng tse thata.
Litiiso tsa mechine li phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ho thibela ho lutla le ho boloka botšepehi ba tsamaiso ea pompo. Likarolo tsa alloy tse thata li fana ka nako e telele e tsitsitseng, e khonang ho mamella likhatello tse phahameng le maemo a abrasive. Fluororubber, e tsejoang ka khanyetso ea eona ea lik'hemik'hale, e eketsa tšireletso khahlanong le lintho tse senyang tse atisang ho fumanoa lits'ebetsong tsa indasteri le tsa temo.
Motsoako oa lisebelisoa tse thata tsa alloy le fluororubber ka har'a litiiso tsa mochini li tiisa hore pompo ea Purity PV e lula e sebetsa ebile e sebetsa ka nako e telele. Ho tšoarella hona ho fokotsa tlhokeho ea ho lokisoa khafetsa le ho nchafatsoa, e leng se bakang ho baballa litšenyehelo le ho fokotsa nako ea basebelisi. Ho feta moo, moralo o matla oa litiiso tsena o matlafatsa ts'epo ka kakaretso ea sistimi ea pompo, e fana ka khotso ea kelello ho basebelisi le basebelisi ba ho qetela.
Setšoantšo |Bohloeki PV Vertical Multistage Jockey PumpParamethara
Precision Laser Welding Technology bakeng sa Botšepehi ba Sebopeho
Mokhoa oa tlhahiso ea BohloekiPV Vertical Multistage Jockey Pumpe kenyelletsa theknoloji e nepahetseng ea laser welding. Mokhoa ona o tsoetseng pele o tiisa hore litšepe tsohle li tiile, li sireletsehile, 'me ha li na likoli tse kang ho lutla kapa lintlha tse fokolang. Sebopeho se hlokolosi sa welding ea laser se fana ka boemo ba ho nepahala le bo tsitsitseng boo mekhoa ea setso ea ho cheselletsa e ke keng ea tšoana.
Ho tjheseletsa ka laser ho kenyelletsa ho sebedisa lebone la laser le tsepamisitsweng haholo ho kopanya disebediswa mmoho ka tekanyo e nyenyane haholo. Ts'ebetso ena e etsa hore ho be le li-welds tse matla tse matlafatsang sebopeho sa pompo. Ho nepahala ha laser welding ho boetse ho lumella meralo e rarahaneng le e rarahaneng, e nolofalletsang tlhahiso ea lipompo tse nang le litšobotsi tse ntlafalitsoeng tsa ts'ebetso.
Melemo ea ho tjheseletsa ka laser e nepahetseng e fetela ka nqane ho botshepehi ba sebopeho. Ka ho felisa likotsi tsa ho lutla le li-welds tse fokolang, theknoloji ena e tiisa hore pompo ea Purity PV e boloka bokhoni ba eona le ho tšepahala tlas'a maemo a sa tšoaneng a ts'ebetso. Kaho e matla e fihlelletsoeng ka welding ea laser e kenya letsoho ho matla a pompo a ho mamella likhatello tse phahameng le tšebeliso ea nako e telele ntle le ho senya ts'ebetso.
Ntle le ho matlafatsa nako e telele, welding ea laser e nepahetseng e boetse e ntlafatsa botle le pheletso ea pompo. Li-welds tse boreleli le tse ts'oanang tse entsoeng ke ts'ebetso ena li fokotsa menyetla ea ho ba le khatello ea maikutlo le libaka tse ka 'nang tsa hlōleha,' me li eketsa nako ea bophelo ba pompo. Tlhokomelo ena ea lintlha mabapi le ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso e bonts'a boitlamo ba boleng le bokhabane bo hlalosang mofuta oa Purity PV.
BohloekiPV Vertical Multistage Jockey Pumpke bopaki ba tsoelopele ea theknoloji ea pompo le moralo. Ka moralo o ntlafalitsoeng oa hydraulic, litiiso tse tsoetseng pele tsa mochini, le theknoloji e nepahetseng ea welding ea laser, pompo ena e fana ka ts'ebetso ea matla e ke keng ea lekanngoa, ho tšoarella le ho ts'epahala. Bokhoni ba eona ba machaba bo netefalitsoeng ba ho boloka matla bo etsa hore e be khetho e loketseng tikoloho bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse fapaneng, athe kaho ea eona e matla e netefatsa ts'ebetso ea nako e telele le tlhokomelo e fokolang.
Ho sa tsotellehe hore na e sebelisoa mekhoeng ea ho tima mollo, mekhoa ea indasteri, kapa ho nosetsa temo, Purity PV Vertical Multistage Jockey Pump e fana ka tharollo e ka tšeptjoang le e sebetsang bakeng sa ho boloka khatello ea metsi e tsitsitseng. Likarolo tsa eona tse ncha le boenjiniere ba maemo a holimo li e etsa letlotlo la bohlokoa tsamaisong efe kapa efe ea ho sebetsana le mokelikeli, e fana ka ts'ebetso e ikhethang le khotso ea kelello ho basebelisi lefats'eng ka bophara.
Nako ea poso: Jun-25-2024