Lipompo tsa likhoerekhoere

  • Pompo e Ntle ea Boleng ba ho Seha Pompo e Kentsoeng ka Lapeng ea Likhoerekhoere

    Pompo e Ntle ea Boleng ba ho Seha Pompo e Kentsoeng ka Lapeng ea Likhoerekhoere

    TheBohloekiLetoto la lipompo tsa likhoerekhoere tsa WQA li emela tsoelo-pele e kholo ho thekenoloji ea pompo, ho sebetsana le mathata a bohlokoa a amanang le ho tšoarella, mefuta ea ts'ebetso, le ho tšepahala tlas'a maemo a feto-fetohang a matla. Sengoliloeng sena se hlahloba mokhoa oa hoBohloekiLipompo tsa likhoerekhoere tsa WQA, tse nang le lithapo tsa tsona tse 304 tsa tšepe e sa hloekang, moralo oa hlooho e felletseng, le ts'ebetso ea motlakase o pharalletseng, li fana ka ts'ebetso e matlafalitsoeng le ts'epahalo bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse fapaneng.

  • Pumpling Submersible Sewage Pump

    Pumpling Submersible Sewage Pump

    TheBohloeki WQ-ZN Pump e hlahella 'marakeng ka likarolo tsa eona tse tsoetseng pele tsa polokeho tse etselitsoeng ho sireletsa lisebelisoa le basebelisi ba eona. Pompo ena ea morao-rao e kenyelletsa mekhoa e mengata ea tšireletso e bohlale e netefatsang ts'ebetso e nepahetseng le bophelo bo bolelele.

  • Pompo ea metsi a likhoerekhoere ea 30 Hp e sa koalehang ea centrifugal ea metsi a likhoerekhoere

    Pompo ea metsi a likhoerekhoere ea 30 Hp e sa koalehang ea centrifugal ea metsi a likhoerekhoere

    The Purity PZW Sewage Pump ke tharollo e sebetsang hantle haholo le e fapaneng bakeng sa ho laola likhoerekhoere le metsi a litšila lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng.

  • Bohloeki Non Clogging High Pressure Submersible Sewage Pump

    Bohloeki Non Clogging High Pressure Submersible Sewage Pump

    TheBohloeki Pompo ea likhoerekhoere ea WQ e emela tlhōrō ea boqapi le ho tšepahala litharollong tsa tsamaiso ea metsi a litšila. E entsoe ka likarolo tse tsoetseng pele, pompo ena e fana ka ts'ebetso e ke keng ea lekanngoa le ho tšoarella.

  • Purity Habeli Cutters Sewage Pump Ka Chopper

    Purity Habeli Cutters Sewage Pump Ka Chopper

    PurityPompo ea likhoerekhoere ea WQQG ke sistimi e tšepahalang le e sebetsang ea likhoerekhoere bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa likhoerekhoere tsa indasteri le lits'ebetso tsa metsi a litšila. Pompo ena ea metsi e kopana le litlhoko tse thata tsa lipompo tsa metsi tsa indasteri 'me e fana ka likarolo tse phahameng le tse tsoetseng pele ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e nepahetseng le ts'ireletso ea lisebelisoa tsa indasteri.

  • Litšila tsa tšepe tse se nang metsi a likhoerekhoere tsa metsi bakeng sa ho nosetsa

    Litšila tsa tšepe tse se nang metsi a likhoerekhoere tsa metsi bakeng sa ho nosetsa

    Pompo ea Bohloeki hona joale e qala WQV ka bokhabanetsamaiso ea pompo ea likhoerekhoere, e leng tsamaiso e sebetsang hantle le e tšepahalang ea likhoerekhoere.

  • Khatello e Phahameng PZW Self-priming Centrifugal Sewage Pump

    Khatello e Phahameng PZW Self-priming Centrifugal Sewage Pump

    Kenyelletso ea pompo ea likhoerekhoere e sa koalehang ea PZW: Pompo ea likhoerekhoere ea PZW ea Purity Pump, e nang le moralo o babatsehang le mesebetsi ea ho itšeha, e ka fetola ka ho feletseng mathata a ka bang teng a tsamaiso ea likhoerekhoere e teng. Ka ho khetha pompo ea likhoerekhoere tsa PZW, u ka tlohela tlhokahalo ea ho sebetsana le lipompo tsa likhoerekhoere tse koetsoeng le bothata ba ho boloka pompo ea sump.

  • PZW letoto la Self-priming e sa thibeleng likhoerekhoere pompo

    PZW letoto la Self-priming e sa thibeleng likhoerekhoere pompo

    Ho hlahisa Letoto la PZW la Self-Priming Non Block Pump ea likhoerekhoere:

    A na u khathetse ke ho sebetsana le lipompo tsa likhoerekhoere tse koetsoeng le bothata ba tlhokomelo e sa khaotseng? U se ke ua sheba hole ho feta letoto la rona la PZW le ikemetseng le sa thibeleng pompo ea likhoerekhoere. Ka moralo oa eona o ikhethang le likarolo tse tsoetseng pele, pompo ena e tla fetola tsamaiso ea likhoerekhoere le ho u fa tharollo e se nang moeli le e sebetsang hantle.

  • WQA Vortex Ho Seha Lipompo tsa likhoerekhoere tse ka tlas'a metsi

    WQA Vortex Ho Seha Lipompo tsa likhoerekhoere tse ka tlas'a metsi

    Ho hlahisa phetoho ea rona ea WQV Large Channel Anti-Clogging Hydraulic Design Submersible Sewage Pump. Pompo ena e nang le mekhoa e metle e na le bokhoni bo matla ba ho fetisa likaroloana, e etsa hore e atlehe haholo ho sebetsana le maemo a thata ka ho fetisisa a likhoerekhoere.

  • WQ Pompo e ncha ea motlakase e ka tlas'a metsi bakeng sa likhoerekhoere le likhoerekhoere

    WQ Pompo e ncha ea motlakase e ka tlas'a metsi bakeng sa likhoerekhoere le likhoerekhoere

    Ho hlahisa letoto la WQ (D) letoto la pompo ea likhoerekhoere le likhoerekhoere tse kenang ka tlas'a metsi, e leng tharollo e khahlehang e etselitsoeng ho sebetsana le mathata a ho pompa likhoerekhoere ka katleho le bonolo. Ka moralo oa eona o moholo oa anti-clogging hydraulic, pompo ena ea motlakase e na le bokhoni bo matla ba ho fetisa likaroloana, e e etsa khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa tsamaiso ea likhoerekhoere.

  • WQ-QG Cutting mofuta oa pompo ea likhoerekhoere e ka tlas'a metsi

    WQ-QG Cutting mofuta oa pompo ea likhoerekhoere e ka tlas'a metsi

    Ho hlahisa Letoto la WQ-QG Series ea likhoerekhoere le likhoerekhoere Submersible Electric Pump

    Na u khathetse ke ho sebetsana le lipeipi tse koetsoeng le mekhoa e sa sebetseng ea ho lahla likhoerekhoere? U se ke ua sheba hole! Re rata ho u tsebisa ka boqapi ba rona ba morao-rao - WQ-QG Series Sewage and Sewage Submersible Electric Pump. Sehlahisoa sena sa sejoale-joale se kopanya moralo o sebetsang hantle oa hydraulic le likarolo tse tiileng ho u fa tharollo e tšepahalang le e sebetsang hantle bakeng sa litlhoko tsohle tsa hau tsa ho pompa likhoerekhoere.

  • WQ letoto la lihlooho tse Submersible Lipompo tsa likhoerekhoere

    WQ letoto la lihlooho tse Submersible Lipompo tsa likhoerekhoere

    Ho hlahisa WQ Series Sewage le Sewage Submersible Electric Pump: Tharollo e Matla bakeng sa Litlhoko tsa Hao tsa Pumping

    Na u khathetse ke ho sebetsana le lipeipi tse koetsoeng le mekhoa e sa sebetseng ea ho lahla likhoerekhoere? U se ke ua sheba hole, ha re ntse re u tlisetsa Pompo ea Motlakase ea Motlakase ea WQ ea morao-rao ea Sewage le Sewage Submersible Electric Pump. Sehlahisoa sena se hlahelletseng se kopanya theknoloji e tsoetseng pele le ts'ebetso e ke keng ea lekanngoa ho u fa phihlelo ea ho pompa likhoerekhoere ntle le mathata.